Monday, June 29, 2015

            Mother Africa

 Africa is a strange place:

when the long winter that blew from Pretoria thawed
there was a stand of  Schotia afra
 – the finest I know –
that flowered, every tree,
summer and winter:
clusters of red tangled among curled pods all that year
like some Golden Age
– fruit and flower always together
as I’ve never known them,

 as if the earth were rejoicing;

 but then, in English the tree’s the karoo boer-bean;
 and in that season when the heirs of men who took horse agin Kitchener
 saw the last dream of the Boer Republics
 melt like mist

 the trees wept blood,
 strewed beans kommandos once foraged in fugitive hunger
 like manna:

 Africa has a heart that knows us all
 – despite everything.    

 - Norman Morrissey

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