Saturday, September 26, 2020

When night falls

We find ourselves in darkness
between blurry blots of orange light
skimming through bathroom windows
from the street

and the persistent hum of the fridge
that dwindles at day
while television sounds and laughter compete
with dinnering,
and life

when the wind tugs on roof sheets
and howls around the corners
of the mind,
livestreaming faults,
of which the I is largest.

We find ourselves between sheets drenched in
wrapped naked in our thoughts,
skin on skin with the wounds left by day
for night-time to mend:

our souls oozing
the burden of being human.

- Alvené Appollis- Du Plessis

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


die spektrale kariljon bly in my ore lui 
lui alle klaagliedere uit die pen uit!
laat ek die filigraan idée fixe vasvang 
en dit opklits tot een pronkende pou
dit sal die poppemeesters verbly  


dit is hartverskeurend hoe grootbekke 
hoogty vier in hierdie wêreld
ek skaar my maar by die sonskyn
om my sin van standvastigheid te gee
ek nooi die malvablomme en 
die tarentale om saam met my 
in die voortuin piekniek te hou

soos 'n taksonoom

soos ‘n taksonoom
vat ek die dooie gedig
en stop dit op
plak met bewende vingers
sy smotsige vere in deurmekaar metafore vas
en hoop die wêreld sien
nie sy onpolsende hart raak nie

Thursday, September 17, 2020


The crumpled paper smells
of long-ago youth, wrapping paper

– blue Christmas,
and polka dot presents

my parents tried
to piece together.

The poor sixties lives
and the old laughter

that looks back at us now,
who hold crumpled paper

and memories
in time’s blue wrapping.

 - Brian Walter

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Só lyk genade

As die son eers by my venster inloer
en die duiwe langsaan koer,
weet ek:
die Jirre het my wraggies wéér gespaar.

Dis my kroeskop kam
en die ketel kook
en die nagmerries van gist’raand
met Colgate wegjaag:
smile a little, they say.

Dis ʼn matter van kindmaak,
en al die katjies en hondjies
en kindertjies oppas

tussen parlement-speel,
en safe kap
in ʼn land van surviving the law,
the lies
and the poets.

As die maan eers oor die vloer dans
en die rondloper ginger kom groet,
dan weet ek:
die Jirre was my wéér genadig
en my kroeskop kan maar kussingskop

en rus.

- Alvené Appollis-du Plessis

Friday, September 4, 2020

Between horizons

Dust, heat, silence . . .
A truck stops dead
between horizons –
farm workers waiting
to hitch a ride.

For Townes, feline companion (II)

Little friend, long gone,
driving on the N9 to Aberdeen
I feel through the windscreen
as you once did while you lived –
the steadying warmth of the sun.

Passing clouds

We share the fate of clouds
and yet we keep on finding ways
to mark and claim the hours.


We share the fate of clouds
and so we keep on finding ways
to mark and claim the hours.

- Eduard Burle