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The Ecca Poets launch their 2022 book This Recurrence of Light at the Poetry in McGregor Festival.
 Poets Brian Walter, Jacques Coetzee, Lara Kirsten and Ed Burle will be reading from the book.
20 November 2022
Veritas, Temenos Gardens



The Ecca Poets launch their 2021 book 
Alles is anders at the McGregor Poetry Festival
20 November, Saturday 15:30 at the Backpackers


The launch of the Ecca Poets latest book Staying Hungry
at the Hogsback Spring Festival
The Rose theatre @ Starways Arts Centre
Saturday 12 October 18:00
Ecca poets Brian Walter, Olwethu Mxoli, John van Wyngaard and Silke Heiss will present readings of a selection of the poems from the book.
R50 entry covers wine and snacks
Books R100
More info Gwyneth 082 928 5770

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Ecca poets reading at the Mcgregor Poetry Festival 2019
Saturday 24 August 2019
Mcgregor Backpackers
Featured poets will be Brian Walter, Ed Burle, Jacques Coetzee, John van Wyngaard, Olwethu Mxoli and Lara Kirsten

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Ecca poets performing at the Mcgregor Poetry Festival, Saturday 25 August 2018
Birdhaven, Mcgregor
Poets to read - Brian Walter, Olwethu Mxoli, Ed Burle, Jacques Coetzee and Lara Kirsten

Here a little report-back from Ecca poet Silke Heiss of the reading & book launch of Ecca's book for 2016 Gold in Spring in Hogsback on the 15th of October:

Dedicated to the late Anton van der Merwe, the launch of the Ecca Poets' latest book, Gold in Spring, went down very well on Saturday evening, with a full Rose Theater and very lively audience - for some it was their very first poetry reading! We thank Gwyneth, Vale, Pearce and the rest of the Starways Family for hosting us yet again, together with our 2016 guest poet, John van Wyngaard.

At the end of the reading we held a comma auction - we had overlooked a comma in one of Brian's poems, that ought not to have been there. Our audience was fantastic, the stakes rose higher as the bids increased - finally the comma was sold, and we made an extra bit for the modest Ecca coffers to help fund next year's book. Thank you to all who made the evening such fun!

Please remember that if you find a misplaced comma in the book, you are imagining things - it is in fact happily united with its owner, Zenobia Wamback, who had this to say afterwards: “It truly was an awesome event! Thanks to everyone that made it a memorable evening! A special thanks to Brian, Norman, Silke and John for reading some of your poems and giving us an insight to your deeper thoughts! And Brian's comma is safe with me.  

Article in The Herald, 7 December 2015

The ECCA POETS to read at 
The Wiles Gallery
Bathurst, Eastern Cape 
Tuesday 15 December 2015
18:30 for 19:00
R30  covers refreshments
Poets to read: Cathal Lagan, Brian Walter, Norman Morrissey, Silke Heisse and, hopefully, Alvené du Plessis as well!
Books will be on sale for R100 each

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Three of the Ecca Poets to read at the
McGregor Poetry Festival
on the weekend of 27-30 August 2015 <<<

Silke Heiss & Norman Morrissey
Birds, Beasts, Flowers and More
Saturday, 29 August 12:30

Lara Kirsten
Poetry: That Primal Pulse
Saturday, 29 August 15:30

Silke Heiss & Norman Morrissey
Tryst to The Far Horizon
Saturday, 29 August 20:00
De Akker

For more info on the festival program click on the link <

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Three of the Ecca Poets to read in 
Cape Town on 
Monday 6 July 2015

Join Brian Walter, Lara Kirsten and Edward Burle at their reading at 
Off the Wall Poetry Sessions at
Touch of Madness
12 Nuttall Road
Cape Town

The ECCA poets' latest book Sound Piping is at the printers
so hopefully by the time of this reading in July we will be able to launch the book.

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                                 ...the poet proper
                    in all places, taking umbrage,
                    bringing politicians to task
                    with moody metaphors, offering
                    fluid solutions, pointing
                    departures from orthodoxy,
                    ringing in the new,
                    stretching …

                    stretching the leash.

- from Persona by Cathal Lagan

Ecca reading on Saturday, 15th November 2014
18:00 for 18:30
Wiles Gallery, Bathurst
Entry R20 covers refreshments
Books R80
Enquiries 045 962 1034/ 046 625 0340

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Ecca Poets - Cathal Lagan, Norman Morrissey, Brian Walter, Lara Kirsten and Silke Heiss read from their latest publication
The Rose

Friday, 3 October
The Rose Theatre
Starways Arts Centre, Hogsback
R40, including snacks
Books for sale at R80 each
Book by sms: Gwyneth 082 928 5770/Norman 082 794 4414

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The ECCA poets will be reading at the WORDFEST at 
The National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.

The Ecca poets, who have been writing and publishing since 1989, read from their latest book, This Questioning Terrain.
Free entry
Books R80
Tuesday 8 July 2014
Seminar room 2
Eden Grove Building, Lucas Ave 
(just below the Botanical Gardens)

Two of the ECCA poets, Brian Walter and Norman Morrissey will also be hosting an open mic session, same day at 15:30 at the Launch Pad.

The next day, 9 July at 16:30 Brian Walter will be presenting a moving talk on his book Baakens, a poetic exploration of South Africa's divisions (including images by Mike Barwood & Michael Walter).



reading and launch of 

This Questioning Terrain

Brian Walter, Norman Morrissey, Silke Heiss
Cathal Lagan &
Alvené du Plessis

Thursday, 15 MAY 2014
18:30 for 19:00 
The Athenaeum, Belmont Terrace, 
Central, Port Elizabeth

 This Questioning Terrain will be Ecca's 16th volume.
Books will be on sale at R80.

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P O E T R Y   R E A D I N G

The Ecca Poets
Norman Morrissey, Brian Walter,
Cathal Lagan, Quentin Hogge,
Lara Kirsten, Silke Heiss
Alvené du Plessis

The poets will be reading from their latest publication Unplanned Hour and from their new poems that will feature in the upcoming book to be released early 2014.

Monday, 16th December 2013
18:30 for 19:00
Wiles Gallery, Bathurst
R20 entry fee, includes refreshments
Books will also be available to buy - R80 per book
Enquiries 045 962 1034 / 082 794 4414

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This an invitation to our book launch on 26 April 2013 in The Amathole Museum in King Williamstown.

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