Thursday, March 30, 2017


Three women sit,
cooking, eating lunch,
while the working team
shovels and pours cement,
pounds down the shapes.

At the door of the container
where wind swirls, it is cool.
Inside, the office part
and storage space for brick-making machines
is deeper in heat.

The women’s shoes are sensible,
like boy’s shoes,

cement splattered, shaped
to the work, speaking
of their place on this earth,
this work, hard lives.

We’ve had to wait for our meeting,
because cement, mixed,
waits for no one as it sets. 

- Brian Walter

Sunday, March 26, 2017

            Peace in Our Time

This bronze dome
drove ants to nest
in the moistened pot of the Peace Rose,

they have leached the roots
so there can be no flower
– the bud that tried

starved on the stem,
Peace in our time
sorely struck:

Isis gnawing at the guts of its own civilisation,
Malema preaching genocide,
a Trumpet of Jericho braying in the White House.

The rough beast
has slouched to Bethlehem
– been born.

 - Norman Morrissey


a raven
wild about the hollows of my head

– croaking fears
I finally talked back
into the skies,

made my heart a scarecrow
to keep him

 - Norman Morrissey